The largest rural municipality of Province 1. Located in the protected area of the Kanchanjunga Conservation Area it comprises of pristine forest, cultivated lands, small villages, trekking routes, high altitude pastures, lakes and glaciers.
Remotely located in the middle hillside of Province 1, Khotang offers some of the most diversity of ecological zones in the country including arid areas not found in other hillsides.
Nestled in the shadow of Mount Everest, this municipality is one of the the most remote areas in Province 1. Famous for it's trekking routes in the North, the southern parts have been left untouched by tourism and development.
Phidim Municipality serves as a hill township and commercial hub in the far east of Nepal. This fast growing bazaar connects rural and semi-urban communities and faces many of the challenges that come with development in Nepal.
Covering ecosystems from 200 to 3000 meters elevation, Agro Sherpa has developed regenerative enterprises based on agroforestry creating circular economic systems to revive local economies.
Almost Heaven Farms is a leader in the permaculture and agroecology movement in Nepal with a focus on regenerative land design and community-led project development.
This organic farmers group has transformed its village into a community of regenerative farms producing high quality and nutrient dense food for local markets.